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Public Sector Duty

In 2014, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act amalgamated the Irish Human Rights Authority and the Equality Commission to create the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission or the IHREC.  Section 42 of this Act sets out the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty, better known as the Public Sector Duty or PSD.

In accordance with Section 42, public bodies shall, in the performance of their functions, have regard to the need to:

  • eliminate discrimination,
  • promote equality of opportunity and treatment of its staff and the pesons to whom it provides services, and
  • protect the human rights of its members, staff and the persons to whom it provides its services.

To this end, in 2017-18 UCC took part in the pilot scheme for the implementation of this duty.  Videos on this pilot scheme as well as other guides and resources from the IHREC in how best to approach implemenation of the duty are below and linked in the text above.


Case Study: University College Cork from IHREC on Vimeo.

Implementing the PSD (ISL Version)

Implementing the PSD

Delivering Equality in Public Services Online Training

A drawing of people of different ethnicity and race looking down from above

This free online, e-learning programme will provide you with an introduction to equality in service delivery. It is designed for all public sector staff, across all grades and functions. The whole module takes approximately three hours to complete.

There are three units in the eLearning module:

  • Unit 1: Equality in the Public Service – This unit will introduce you to equality and the equality obligations of public bodies as well as supporting your exploration of equality issues facing staff and service users.
  • Unit 2: Human Rights in the Public Service – This unit will introduce you to human rights concepts and human rights obligations of public bodies and support your exploration of issues facing staff and service users.
  • Unit 3: The Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty –  This unit will introduce you to the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty and the steps involved in its implementation.

Access the module directly here.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

Comhionannas, Éagsúlacht agus Ionchuimsitheacht

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
