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Older research

Sustainable Participation? Evaluating the Role of City And County Development Boards in Local Sustainable Development

EPA ERTDI 2004-06 | Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry; Co-investigator Gerard Mullally 

Evaluation of the role of City and County Development Boards in facilitating stakeholder participation in local sustainable development.
Study of Awareness and Knowledge of Sustainable Procurement among Procurement Professionals

EPA ERTDI 2004-06 | Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry; Co-investigator: Brenda Ryan

Identification of educational and training needs for procurement professionals for the successful implementation of sustainable procurement.
Environmentally Equipped Business Parks

Údarás na Gaeltachta, (Ecoland Project) 2004-05 | Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry

Development of environmental auditing approach and tools for business parks.

INTERREG IIIC Programme 2004-2007 | Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry

Network of rural regions and research institutions in Europe that works to further sustainable tourism destination development through the exchange of information and best practices
SMERNA: Strategic Mentoring Initiative for the Region of North Aegean

CEC DG Research - Regions of Knowledge Pilot Action 2004-6

Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry

A mentoring initiative to bridge the technology and innovation gap in North Aegean and promote technology based sustainable regional development.
EUROWASTE: European Waste and Sustainable Training for the Environment

Leonardo Da Vinci Programme, CEC DG Enterprise 2003-05

Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry | Co-investigator:  Niall Dunphy

Examination of how small and medium sized enterprises can more effectively improve their environmental performance. Working with 60 SMEs – 17 from Ireland - the project developed more effective engagement and waste management strategies and produced a suite of training materials.
ERACCP: Development of an Environmental Risk Analysis and Management System - ERACCP
HEA PRTLI 2003-05

Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry | Co-investigator: Jillian Murphy

Development of a science-based tool: an Environmental Risk Analysis and Critical Control Points ERACCP - to facilitate early identification and assessment of environmental risks and to develop systematic management of those risks in process industries.
Treatments of Organic Wastes as alternatives to Land spreading

HEA PRTLI 2003-05 | Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry | Co-investigator:  Niall Dunphy

Assessment of a variety of innovative technologies with applications in management / treatment of organic waste
PAYT – Variable rate pricing based on Pay-As-You-Throw as a tool of urban waste management (PAYT)

FP5 2001-03 | Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry | Co-investigator: Jillian Murphy

Development of a handbook for those implementing a PAYT system outlining best circumstances in which to implement the system and a range of methods that can be adapted on a case-by-case basis to suit each situation
Sustainable Destinations? Understanding the Environmental Metabolism of Tourism in Coastal Communities

HEA PRTLI 2000-03 | UCC Principal Investigator: Aveen Henry | Co-investigator  Dr Colin Sage

Development of a concept and model of destination metabolism as a framework for researching environmental impacts on tourism destinations and elaboration of a methodology for the collection of appropriate data concerning Material Flows Analysis (MFA) for local understandings of environment-tourism interactions

Cleaner Production Promotion Unit

G.03 Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork T23 XE10, Ireland
