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Community Week Report - Looking Back on 2019

In 2019 UCC ran its inaugural University-wide Community Week. The Community Week initiative  broadens out to the whole University the pioneering work of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Science (CACSSS) Civic and Community Engagement Committee, who developed a college level Community Week in 2017. The contributions of all of our Colleges, ACE, and our University Offices were integral to the success of the week. The initiative harnessed staff, students and community partner’s talent and commitment to civic activities to provide a snapshot of what University and Community do and can do together on an everyday basis.

This report 'Looking Back on 2019-Community Week Report' provides an overview of the week's activities, takes stock of learning from this first year and makes recommendations for going forward, with the aim of establishing Community Week as a leading platform to communicate and mobilise UCC’s engaged mission, in partnership with all of our stakeholders and over a three year period.


Community Week Report Cover

Civic & Community Engagement

Comhpháirteachas Cathartha agus Pobail
