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Civic Engagement Plan

Together With and For Community

We pride ourselves on our societal engagement across lifelong learning, community-based research and learning, and volunteerism. 2020 will mark the 175th anniversary of UCC. This is an important milestone that we will celebrate through renewing our commitment to our community, and establishing UCC as an engaged campus of international standing.

Our Civic & Community Engagement Plan is UCC's first plan to cohere and advance our commitment to civic and community engagement, towards establishing the University as a best practice community engaged campus. Our approach has a democratic and social justice orientation that involves a focus on societal challenges and sustainable development goals, with global citizenship as a core value and outcome.

Find out more by downloading and reading the UCC Civic Engagement Plan


UCC's first plan to cohere and advance our commitment to civic and community engagement, towards establishing the University as a best practice community engaged campus.

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Vision: To be a leading university of independent thinkers

Mission: Creating, understanding and sharing knowledge and applying it for the good of all

Values: • Creativity • Responsiveness • Transparency • Scholarship • Freedom of Expression • Integrity • Equality • Diversity • Respect

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Over 23% of UCC's undergraduate intake are mature students, students with disabilities or non traditional college-goers, reflecting the ethos of equality, diversity and inclusion for all.

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Other Key reports:


UCC Civic Reports University-Wide Reports  Campus Engage 

Report on Student Volunteering November 2019


University Strategy 2017-2022      

Academic Strategy 2017-2022

Engaged Research Report 2017     

 Campus Engage Charter

Civic & Community Engagement

Comhpháirteachas Cathartha agus Pobail
