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Collaborating Globally

UCC Alumnus Michael Dowling on the frontline fight against COVID-19 in New York

Irish Examiner

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From China with Love: UCC alumni fund shipment of PPE equipment to Cork

The Corkman

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Returning from abroad to help on the frontline

Alumni Spotlight

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Our staff, students and Alumni are at the frontline of global response networks to COVID-19, collaborating with higher education institutions, Governments, and communities across the globe.

  • Migration and COVID-19 – EU Masters Course Launched, European University of Post-Industrial Cities

    19 May 2020
    Migration and COVID-19 – EU Masters Course Launched, European University of Post-Industrial Cities

    UCC, along with 8 EU partners in ‘The European University of Post-Industrial Cities’ (UNIC) alliance have developed a lecture series and Master Course for the Summer term 2020 on “Migration and Corona“. The initiative is part of a unique partnership to boost mobility and inclusion through teaching, research and community engagement across the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Koc University Istanbul, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, University College Cork, University of Deusto, University of Oulu, University of Zagreb and University of Liège.

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Civic & Community Engagement

Comhpháirteachas Cathartha agus Pobail
