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An Analyisis of Youth Involvement in Irish Credit Unions

An Analysis of Youth Involvement in Irish Credit Unions

Authors: McCarthy O., Briscoe R. & Ward M., June 1999

Price: €7

The Irish credit union movement is facing the very real prospect of losing a whole generation of members to banking institutions unless it takes immediate action on the issues of involving youth in a meaningful way and providing carefully tailored services to meet youth needs. For credit unions, these two issues are co-dependent. Indeed, this study argues that involving youth in the credit union may be a prerequisite to providing services to youth. It urges that co-operative ways of working must be employed more fully by Irish credit unions to encourage and motivate them to involve their youth members at all organisational levels.

Abstract - An Analysis of Youth Involvement in Irish Credit Unions

Centre for Co-operative Studies

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork
