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Women in the Irish Credit Union Movement: North and South

Women in the Irish Credit Union Movement: North and South

Authors: Donal McKillop, Olive McCarthy, Michael Ward, Robert Briscoe, Charles Fergusson, 2002, 141 pages

Publisher: Oak Tree Press

ISBN: 1-86076-264-6

Price: €20

This book can be purchased online from the Oak Tree Press site: Click here to go to the Oak Tree Press Catalogue Page

Women in the Irish Credit Union Movement is the first major piece of work on the gender profile of credit unions in Ireland. This book establishes and documents the precise role played by women in the Irish credit union movement, both in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland. The study aims not only to explore the role of women in credit unions, but also to explore similarities and differences in women’s participation in credit unions on both sides of the border. It also presents recommendations aimed at the promotion of greater gender balance within credit unions. The results of the study highlight that gender imbalance exists within the Irish credit union movement and in their conclusions the authors identify the specific barriers to the greater involvement of women.

Centre for Co-operative Studies

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork
