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Credit Union Services: Opinions, Challenges and Oppurtunities

Credit Union Services: Opinions, Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Bowen M., O Fathaigh M. & Ward M, June 1999

Price: €7

This report is a snapshot of the opinions and attitudes of credit union members, including directors, committee members, staff (both voluntary and paid), and non members, on a number of key issues affecting the future development of credit unions in Ireland. Research for the report was carried out by students of the Diploma in Credit Union Studies for their final year dissertation. The report gives an overview of some of the contemporary issues confronting Irish credit unions and serve as a discussion document to generate ideas and debate within credit unions. It is also hoped that it may be a useful starting point for further research.

Abstract - Credit Union Services 

Centre for Co-operative Studies

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork
