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Current and Past Publications

Current and Past Publications

Publication Title Authors/Editors Year No. of Pages
The Potential of the Cooperative Form  Aisling Moroney, Dr. Bob Briscoe, Dr. Olive McCarthy, Dr. Mary O’Shaughnessy and Professor Michael Ward  2009  19
Structure and culture: The evolution of Irish agricultural cooperation (abstract Aisling Murtagh & Michael Ward 2009  
Risk Management in Lithuanian and Irish Credit Unions Trends and Impacts on Credit Union Development   Kaupelyte D and O.McCarthy, Journal of Rural Co-operation (Vol 34, No 2)  2006  
Helping Ourselves:Success Stories in Co-operative Business and Social Enterprise Robert Briscoe & Michael Ward (eds) 2005 230
Artists Co-ops and their Potential to Contribute to the Development of the Visual Arts Sector in Ireland  Noreen Byrne, Bridget Carroll & Michael Ward  2005  
Exploring the Differences, A Comparative Analysis of Irish Urban and Rural Social Enterprises.  Mary O’ Shaughnessy, Margaret Fenton & Patricia O’ Hara 2005  13 
A Study of Volunteerism in Irish Credit Unions and Social Enterprises Noreen Byrne, Olive McCarthy & Mary O’Shaughnessy 2004 110
An examination of the role of the Early Retirement Scheme in Rejuvenating the Irish Farm Workforce  Mary O'Shaughnessy  2004  9
How do Government Policies and Programmes, Impact on Third Sector Organisations Offering Work Opportunities for Disadvantaged Workers? Lessons from Research into Organisations in Ireland and the UK  Mary O'Shaugnessy & Margaret Fenton  2004   
Work Integration Social Enterprises in Ireland  Mary O'Shaugnessy & Patricia O'Hara 2004   
A Values Perspective of the Irish Credit Union Movement  Olive McCarthy 2002  
Women in the Irish Credit Union Movement: North and South Donal McKillop, Olive McCarthy, Michael Ward, Bob Briscoe & Charles Fergusson 2002 141
Innovation and Change in Irish Credit Unions Ray O’Connor, Olive McCarthy & Michael Ward 2002 90
Training and Education in Irish Credit Unions Noreen Byrne, Olive McCarthy & Michael Ward 2002 109
No Study, No Credit Union :An Irish Perspective on Education and Training in Credit Unions.  Noreen Byrne, Olive McCarthy & Michael Ward 2002   11
Credit Union Communications Olive McCarthy, Mairtín O Fathaigh, Michael Ward 2001 78
The Competitive Advantages of Co-operatives Robert Briscoe & Michael Ward 2000  
The Co-operatives of Ireland Robert Briscoe & Michael Ward (eds) 2000  
Credit Union Services: Opinions, Challenges and Opportunities Bowen M., O Fathaigh M. & Ward M 1999  
Credit Unions and Job Creation Olive McCarthy, Robert Briscoe & Michael Ward 1999  
An Analysis of Youth Involvement in Irish Credit Unions Olive McCarthy, Robert Briscoe & Michael Ward 1999  

Centre for Co-operative Studies

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork
