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Online Networking

What is Online Networking?  

It is the process of growing your social media networks, your connections on LinkedIn, followers on Instagram and Twitter and your friends on Facebook.

Why Network Online?  

By networking with industry insiders, you can find hidden job leads, research companies and interviewers all while building your personal brand within the industry.  

It is an important part of your job search strategy, even more so when there is a downturn in the job market. While some industries have been hit hard there are industries that are still hiring so it’s important to become more strategic in your job search and with the increase in people working remotely, video interviewing, virtual meetings etc, employers are embracing virtual technology so more employers than ever are now online.  

This can also be an effective tool for other students who are looking for part time work, internships or work experience relevant to their degree. In a challenging job market, you need to be proactive in your job search and not just rely on advertised positions. 

Where to start

We strongly recommend that you take some time to look at our full Online Networking audio presentation on Panopto which develops the areas outlined above in a lot more detail. It looks at LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram in more detail and goes through examples of how to search, network and connect online.

Different Platforms, Different Rules- it’s important to understand the functionality and tone of different platforms before you start connecting online:

Google Yourself

It’s also essential to google yourself to see what’s already out there about you for a potential employer to come across. You need to work on your online profiles and make sure they are professional and up to date before connecting. You can find more detail on this in our Online Presence audio presentation on Panopto.

This UCC Alumni LinkedIn for Networking guide will give you a step by step overview of how to leverage your University Alumni to network in order to;

  • Research an industry or a company, get career advice from experienced professionals in the industry, possible mentorship opportunities
  • Talk to recently employed graduates in an industry or specific company
  • Get advice from students who graduated with your degree
  • Get advice from a graduate who found a job during a challenging job market
  • Get feedback on specific masters and postgraduate programmes

Additional sources and recommended sites:

The below web pages will provide you with further tips and tricks to enhance your online presece: 

UCC Career Services

Seirbhísí Gairme COC

