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Network to access Hidden Jobs

The Hidden Jobs Market

The Hidden Job Market is a term used to describe jobs that are not advertised or posted online.   

There are a number of reasons why jobs are not advertised e.g. employers might be trying to save money on advertising, they might prefer to interview candidates from reliable referrals, the company could be opening a new branch and does not want to share information publicly. Some jobs may not even exist.  

Remember it is possible for you access this hidden job market, you just need to be creative in your job search strategy and you are much more likely to find a job that will be the right fit for you.  

“Jobvite's 2022 Job Seeker Nation Survey reports that even though most applicants apply for jobs on a job board (59%) or employer career site (33%), 39% found job postings on social media, 46% of respondents heard about jobs from friends, and 25% say they also learn about jobs from professional networks".


In brief, networking is getting to know people who can help you develop your career prospects. Networking for a job requires strategic thinking and developing skills that help you connect with others.  

Top Networking Tips:

  • Make a list of contacts e.g. family, friends, lecturers, send them a message letting them know about your job search. 
  • Attend Formal networking functions such as Careers Fairs, Chamber of Commerce Events, Conferences, Webinars. 
  • Attend employer events organised by the careers services. 
  • Reach out to people in your networks including UCC Alumni and LinkedIn connectins.   
  • Set up your “Personal Brand” 
  • Organise Informational Interviews with contacts in industry.
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UCC Career Services

Seirbhísí Gairme COC

