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Digital Tools

Online resources available to you

This page will provide you with all the information you need to start using our range of digital tools. These resources will help you prepare and review your CV, get ready for interviews and learn more about transitioning to the workplace. Before you can start applying for jobs, you need to figure what it is you want to do! Not sure what career would suit you? We have a tool for that! You can log in and try out Profiling for Success online questionnaires to help you figure out your next career step. Skills Summary will help you better communicate the value of essential employability skills to future employers. Explore our resources - we hope you find them helpful 

*Recent graduates (within a year of graduating) can access these tools free of charge

More resources for you to explore:

Our website is packed with relevant information to support you as you prepare to transition to the workplace. Find CV and Cover Letter templates, resources to help you prepare for assessment centres, and information on job searching and networking. Our team is here to support you as you begin or transition your career. Explore more of our resources below: 

UCC Career Services

Seirbhísí Gairme COC

