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Presentations (Individual OR Group)

If an individual presentation you will be usually be asked to prepare this in advance .   You will be told subject and length of presentation and if/what visual aids you can use.   Plan the content. If given a choice chose a subject, you know well.  Break your presentation into memorable points ensure the presentation has a logical structure.  Add in a strong introduction and conclusion and don’t forget to invite questions.   Keep text on slides brief.  Use text as a prompt only and do not read content from slides, as this will stop you engaging with your audience.

Group presentations are usually part of another group activity where the group is asked to present their findings.    It is important to allow time for the presentation and decide who is going to present and what they are going to present.   TIME is very important as some people will not take note of time hence sabotaging the presentation for the others in the group.   Plan the content together.  Break your presentation into memorable points and give it a logical structure.  Add in a strong introduction and conclusion and don’t forget to invite questions.  

They are looking for: communication ability, confidence (even if you don’t feel it!), thinking quickly on your feet.

Body Language

Ensure that you stand with both feet directly under your hips to ensure balance.   Speak slowly and clearly and use pause.   Vary your tone of voice and minimise your movements. Ensure that you use eye contact.

They are looking for: communication ability, confidence (even if you don’t feel it!), thinking quickly on your feet.

UCC Career Services

Seirbhísí Gairme COC

