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Training and Professional Development - Online Resources

The CARDEA Hub encourages the professional development of Research Managers and offers open access to online training resources. Each webinar is delivered by experienced Research Managers who lead on training initiatives in their respective area.


Career Focus

Competency Based CV's  See link to recording


Project Management

Project Management Skills Part 1 See link to recording

Project Management Skills Part 2 See link to recording

Preparing your Research Project Budget See link to recording

Commercial Awareness See link to recording

Research Integrity See link to recording

Horizon Europe Coordinators' Day: Grant Management (8 June 2023) See link to recording



Data Management

Introduction to Research Data Management See link to recording


Leadership and Team Management

Working with Teams See link to recording

Leading a Research Team See link to recording

Motivation Skills See link to recording

Maximising Personal Effectiveness See link to recording


Dissemination and Communication 

Presentation Skills See link to recording 

Personalised Communication Skills  See link to recording


HRS4R - HR Excellence in Research

How to Involve Researchers and Stakeholder See link to recording here










CARDEA Academy

The CARDEA Academy is an integral part of the CARDEA online Hub, an online platform dedicated to supporting research managers.

The Academy aims to address the specific needs of research managers by offering a variety of programs, resources, and tool kits to assist Research Managers in developing and progressing their careers. We will focus on all Research Manager levels using the CARDEA categories RM1 to RM4. We will specifically aim to engage Research Managers from Widening Counties and utilise our connections through HR Excellence in Research and EURAXESS to increase the reach of the Academy. The tools and training provided by the Academy will be designed specifically for each level, from RM1 to RM4. These programs and tools will focus on the crucial skills and competencies required to effectively perform as a Research Manager in the ERA.


Workshops: The CARDEA Academy will organize interactive workshops led by experienced research managers and subject matter experts. These workshops will focus on several topics such as project management, leadership skills, and CV crafting. The dissemination and discussion of the CARDEA Matrix will also be scheduled. Participants will have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills through group discussions.


Webinars: Regular webinars will be conducted on emerging career trends, best practices, and developments surrounding policy related to research managers. Renowned professionals and policy experts will be invited to deliver informative presentations, followed by interactive Q&A sessions. Webinars will cover a wide range of topics relevant to research managers' roles and responsibilities, enabling participants to stay updated with the latest developments pertaining to Research Manager careers in the ERA.


Virtual Conferences: The CARDEA Academy will host virtual conferences to provide a platform for research managers to present their work, share insights, and network with peers. These conferences will feature keynote speeches from prominent professionals and policy leaders and panel discussions. The virtual format will facilitate participation and allow attendees to interact with experts and explore new opportunities and information.

Articles and Links on Research Manager Careers

Interesting Articles Downloaded


How to push Technical to the next level - Nature Nature - How to Push Technical


We are Problem Solvers - Nature Nature - We are problem solvers


15 Research Manager Skills for Your Career and Resume

See link for more information 

