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Degree Pathway Options After First Year

There are three kinds of BA (Hons): Single Subject, Major Subject and Joint Subject.

BA (HONS) (Single Subject)

The BA (Hons) (Single Subject) programme involves studying two subjects at honours level in both Second and Third Arts. Students should note that there may be minimum credit requirements for entry into some postgraduate programmes. Students must check such minimum requirements with individual departments.

Entry into Second Arts requires: (i) passing First Arts, and (ii) meeting any subject entry requirements (see Table 2).

Entry into Third Arts depends on passing the Second Arts Examination overall.

In each of Second and Third Arts, modules amounting to 60 credits will be studied, with 50 credits in one subject and 10 credits in the other to make up a Single Subject Degree.

BA (HONS) (Major Subject)

The BA (Hons) (Major Subject) programme involves studying two subjects at honours level in both Second and Third Arts. Students should note that there may be minimum credit requirements for entry into some postgraduate programmes. Students must check such minimum requirements with individual departments.

Entry into Second Arts requires: (i) passing First Arts, and (ii) meeting any subject entry requirements (see Table 2).

Entry into Third Arts depends on passing the Second Arts Examination in both subjects.

In each of Second and Third Arts, modules amounting to 60 credits will be studied, with 40 credits in one subject and 20 credits in the other to make up a Major Subject Degree.

BA (HONS) (Joint Subject)

The BA (Hons) (Joint Subject) programme involves studying two subjects at honours level in both Second and Third Arts.

Entry into Second Arts requires: (i) passing First Arts, and (ii) meeting any subject entry requirements (see Table 2 below).

Entry into Third Arts depends on passing the Second Arts Examination in both subjects.

In each of Second and Third Arts, modules amounting to 60 credits will be studied, 30 credits in each of the two subjects, to make up a Joint Subject Degree.

Subject Combinations

Table 2 outlines the range of subject combinations available for the three degree pathways. Notes on selection of subjects along with individual subject entry requirements are also provided in the table.

Table 2

BA (Hons) Programme (CK101) Subject Combinations


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6


(HI) History

(GA) Gaeilge/Irish

(PO) Politics, (AR) Archaeology

(SC) Sociology, (FR) French

(EC) Economics, (EN) English, (RG) Religions and Global Diversity

(HS) Spanish, (IT) Italian, (PH) Philosophy


(HA) History of Art


(GR) Greek & Roman Civilisation

(GE) German

(CC) Celtic Civilisation


(GG) Geography


(AS) Asian Studies

(FL) Folklore

(LT) Latin

(BD) BĂ©aloideas


(MA) Mathematics, (MS) Maths Studies


(AM) Applied Mathematics


(PU) Portuguese

(CH) Chinese Studies


(CS) Computer Science

(SIM) Studies in Music

(GK) Greek


College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences

Coláiste na nEalaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta
