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Buildings Office

Office Description

The Buildings Office in association with the Capital Projects Office, General Services and the Heritage Office, is a constituent part of the Office of Buildings and Estates. The Buildings Office is responsible for maintaining and upgrading the University's physical infrastructure of buildings, engineering services, grounds and the voice telephony network.

Paul Prendergast, Buildings Officer, leads a team of operative, craft, administrative, technical and supervisory staff totalling 50 personnel.

The buildings office is responsible for the management and maintenance of 143,000m 2 (1.5m sq ft) of buildings, 30 hectares of grounds and property and approximately 120 individual buildings sited at over 20 locations (2002 figures).

Mission Statement
"To provide best practice solutions to the management of the University's physical infrastructure, to ensure preservation of the physical assets, in support of the University's core functions of teaching and research"

This mission is achieved by the following goals/objectives:

  • Maintenance of the University's physical infrastructure of estates, buildings, engineering services and voice telephony networks, within available resources, to ensure minimum disruption to the colleges' core business of teaching and research. 
  • Upgrading the infrastructure as necessary to compliment the University's physical development. 
  • Provision of a service for the efficient and cost effective delivery of non-maintenance and minor capital works required by the University. 
  • Management of the externally provided utility services to ensure continuity of service and minimum disruption to the University's activities.

Functional Areas

The Buildings Office is divided into seven functional areas as follows:


Area Head of Function  Functions 
Buildings Maintenance Ross O' Donovan  Building Fabric Maintenance including Roofing, Flooring, External facades, Interiors, Windows, Decoration etc. Construction Management of minor works and refurbishment projects in accordance with Health & Safety, Procurement and other relevant requirements.
Engineering Services Maintenance Tony Carey Electrical and Mechanical services maintenance, Electricity, Gas, Water, Steam, Heating. Air-Conditioning etc. Construction Management of maintenance projects in accordance with Health & Safety, Procurement and other relevant requirements.
Grounds Maintenance Barrie Curley  Grass cutting, estates management, waste management, external bins, sweeping of paving etc.
Telecommunications (Voice telephony network maintenance)

Paul Prendergast

Voice telephony network management including installation of new phones and fax machines and enhancement of services.
Provision of a minor works and refurbishment service to requesting service Paul Williams Provision of a minor works and refurbishment service to University Academic departments. Planning, specifying, pricing, tendering and managing works in accordance with health & Safety, procurement and other relevant requirements at the request of departments. 
External Utility Service Management Paul Prendergast Procuring, managing service providers, increasing load etc. 
Development of the physical infrastructure to match increasing demand Cross Functional Role This responsibility is shared with the Projects office - and involves ensuring capacity of engineering services, supply and distribution systems are adequate to meet current and future demand.

Buildings Office Staff

Paul Prendergast Buildings Officer 021 4902380

Michelle McCarthy

PA to Buildings Officer  021 4903480

Maintenance Helpdesk

021 4902480 

Tony Carey

Engineering Services Manager

021 4902460 

Ger O'Sullivan Deputy Engineering Services Manager 021 4901888  
  Facilities Co-ordinator 021 4903939  
  Engineering Services Admin 021 4901893  
Ross O' Donovan Buildings Maintenance Manager 021 4903766
  Supervisor of Buildings  021 4901884  
  Buildings Maintenance Admin 021 4903194  
Paul Williams  Maintenance Co-ordinator  021 4902814 
Pat Mehigan (Career Break)  Energy & Utilies Manager 021 4902600
Oliver Cunningham Energy & Utilities Admin 021 4901872

Eddie McCarthy Telecoms 021 4902701 
Adrian Moynihan Buildings Systems Foreperson 021 4902717 
Aidan O'Dwyer Services Co-ordinator  021 4902298
Barrie Curley Estates Administrator 021 4902949 

Michael O' Sullivan 

Draughtsperson 021 4903788 

Lorraine Courtney

Minor Projects Admin 021 4903736  
  Heritage Services 021 4903554  


Carpenters Position  Tel 
Paul O'Connor  Carpentry Foreperson 021 4903666 
Patrick O'Callaghan Carpenter 021 4903666
Kieran Lyons Carpenter 021 4903666

General Operatives

Operatives Position Tel
Dan O'Hanlon General Operative Foreperson 021 4902217
Gary Ball General Operative 021 4902217 
Dominic McCloskey General Operative 021 4902217
Tony Cooke General Operative 021 4902217
Mark Towler General Operative 021 4902217
Seamus Dinan General Operative 021 4902217
Mark Kendellen General Operative 021 4902217

Electrical Staff

Electrician Position Tel
Christopher Collins  Electrical Foreperson 021 4902429
John Punch Electrician 021 4902429
Jonathan Glavin Electrician 021 4902429
Andrew Linehan Electrician 021 4902429

Painting Staff

Painters Position Tel
Philip Hogan Painting Foreperson 021 4903660
Kevin Crean Painter 021 4903660

Mechanical Staff

Mechanical Position Tel 
Colin O'Brien  Mechanical Foreperson 021 4902527
Jim Hawkes General Operative (Boiler / Plant)  021 4902303
Kevin McCarthy Mechanical Craftsperson 021 4902527
Daniel Varian Mechanical Craftsperson 021 4902527

Grounds Staff

Grounds Staff Position  Tel 
John Murphy Grounds Foreperson 021 4905150
Noreen O' Sullivan (Career Break) Gardener   021 4905150
Ger Creedon Gardener 021 4905150
Pat Hallinan Operative  021 4905150

Western Campus (Brookfield/Western Gateway Building)Staff

Name Title Landline/Ext Mobile
Eamonn Connaughton Facilities Manager 4205801/5801 086-2304099
Adrian Downey Facilities Foreperson Western Gateway 4205802/5802 087-6485559
Donal O' Riordan Facilities Foreperson Brookfield 4201494/1494 087-9127509
Peter O'Hanlon Facilities Engineer 4205803/5803  
Teresa O' Callaghan General Services Supervisor 4201632/1632 086-8033493
Carol Cashman Assistant to Facilities Manager 4901567/1567  
Kieran Bowden Security and Services Operative 1501/5800 086-8338755 (Brookfield)
Aileen Crowley Security and Services Operative 1501/5800 086-7807041 (Western Gateway)
John Fahy Security and Services Operative 1501/5800  
Bill O'Grady Security and Services Operative 1501/5800  
Noel Cahill Security and Services Operative 1501/5800  
Elaine Barry Security and Services Operative 1501/5800  
Sean Lynn Security and Services Operative 1501/5800  
John McCarthy Security and Services Operative 1501/5800  

Buildings and Estates Office

Foirgnimh agus Eastáit

Western Road, Cork
