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SEFS Athena SWAN Steering Group Members

Member Role
Professor John Wenger (Chair) Deputy Head of Chemistry Department; Director of Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry; Principle Investigator in Enivronmental Research Institute; Chair of Chemsiry Athena SWAN Steering Group
Dr Paul Bolger Manager, Environmental Research Institute
vacant Postgraduate Representative 
Dr Denis Kelliher Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr Tony Fitzgerald Senior Lecture, School of Mathematical Sciences
Dr Pat Meere Lecturer, School of BEES
Dr Anne Moore Senior Lecturer, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Ms Kate O'Brien College Manager, College of Science, Engineering & Food Science
Ms Leonie O'Doherty Financial Analyst, College of Science, Engineering & Food Science
Ms Helen O'Donoghue HR Business Partner for Science, Engineering & Food Science
Prof Jennifer Mahony School of Microbiology, APC Microbiome Institute
Dr Aoife O'Sullivan Technical Officer, School of Chemistry
Dr Paolo Palmieri Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
Professor Sarah Culloty Head of College of Science, Engineering & Food Science
Claire Tobin Manager, School of Chemistry
Dr Therese Uniacke-Lowe Senior Technical Officer, School of Food & Nutritional Sciences
Jessie Perez WiSTEM Undergrad representative
Dr Bryan Kelleher Department of Physics
Dr Aidan Quinn Head of Nanotechnology Group, Tyndall, and Tyndall SAT Chair
Dr Shane O'Brien Staff Researcher Tyndall, Tyndall AS Project Manager, Representing Post-Doc Staff 
Dr Des Field RSO, Microbiology, Representing Senior Research Staff
tbc College Office
As of May 2021.

Athena SWAN

G01 EDI Unit,South Lodge,
