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Hidden Young Carers in Cork Research Project

Research into hidden young carers in Cork

Hidden Young Carers is an innovative research project which aims to highlight the circumstances and experiences of young people who undertake significant caring responsibilities at home.  These young people may be caring for a parent, grandparent or sibling who is ill or disabled or they may be taking care of younger siblings in circumstances where the parent(s) are unable to do so.

The Department of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork has received funding from the Combat Poverty Agency to carry out this research.  This research is mainly based on qualitative interviews with young carers in the Greater Cork Area.  Additional interviews have been conducted with former young carers and with service providers and relevant statutory agencies. 

The main objective of the study is to understand the relationship between young carers and those factors that make them more vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion. Interview questions focus on the nature of the young carers phenomenon; the different categories of young carers; the elements of the experience of being a young carer; current impacts of this caring role; the different categories of the ‘cared-for’ population and their perspectives; the services currently available to young carers; how service providers might better meet the needs of young carers.

For further information, please contact Mr. Joe Finnerty 021 4903537 or Dr. Cathal O' Connell 021 4902832

School of Applied Social Studies

Staidéar Sóisialta Feidhmeach

William Thompson House, Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland.,
