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Brian O'Donnell

Qualifications: MB MSc MD, FCARCSI


  • Consultant Anaesthesiologist at BreastCheck and Cork University Hospital
  • Clinical Senior Lecturer, Dept of Anaesthesia, School of Medicine, UCC
  • Clinical Principal Investigator ASSERT Centre, UCC
  • Clinical Principal Investigator for Bioimpedance; Clisteprobe project at Tyndall National Institute
  • Joint Clinical Lead for Trauma Anaesthesia and Preassessment at CUH
  • Director Cork Academy of Regional Anaesthesia
  • Founding member and former Hon Secretary of Irish Society of Regional Anaesthesia
  • Member of European Society of Regional Anaesthesia (ESRA) Education Subcommittee
  • Director Cork Cadaveric Regional Anaesthesia Course
  • Director Symposium on Perioperative Medicine, Exercise Physiology and Sports Nutrition

Hospital: Cork University Hospital

Subspecialty interest:

  • Regional Anaesthesia;
  • Education and Procedural Skills Training
  • Quality improvements projects in regional anaesthesia and acute pain services

Teaching interest:

  • Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship Mentor
  • Author of National Curriculum for Regional Anaesthesia Training
  • Co-founder of ISRA Foundation Course
  • ESRA train the trainers faculty member
  • UCC School of Medicine:
  • Contributions to: PT3201; CP4004; MX 4090; MX 5090; CKX20; MX5090

Research interest:

  1. RASimAs: Collaborator and Work Package Designer/Clinical Lead RASimAS FP7 STREP Call: FP7-ICT 2013-10; Grant Agreement Number: 610425 €3,322,000
  2. SMART Needle Regional Anaesthesia: ASSERT Centre, UCC and Tyndall National Institute: Collaborator NAP 327 2010 (€28,250); PI NAP 396 2011 (€30,578); Collaborator SFI TIDA 2012 10/RFP/CAP2854 (€78,069); Irish Research Council funded PhD student
  3. SMART Needle Breast Cancer: ASSERT Centre, UCC and Tyndall National Institute: Collaborator SFI TIDA 2012 10/RFP/CAP2854 (€78,069); Molecular medicine Ireland funded PhD student; Irish Research Council funded PhD student
  4. Proficiency Based Progression Training
  • Axillary Brachial Plexus Block
  • Femoral Nerve Block
  • Popliteal Fossa Sciatic Block

Research Supervision

PhDs awarded:

  1. Owen O’Sullivan MB, BCh, BAO, B(Med)Sc FCARCSI. January 2014: A Comprehensive Description of the Competencies Required for the Performance of an Ultrasound-guided Axillary Brachial Plexus Blockade.
  2. Niall Savage BSc MSc. December 2015: Development of a novel probe integrated with a micro-structured impedance sensor for the detection ofbreast cancer.
  3. Lisa Helen BSc, MSc: Development of a ‘smart’ needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity for nerve blocking (anaesthetic) procedures. Year 3 Tyndall National Institute, UCC. 

PhD student:

  1. Justina Ugwah 2018 to date Development of a novel probe integrated with a micro-structured impedance sensor for the detection of breast cancer.

MD awarded student:

  1. Osman Ahmed FCARCSI: Procedure characterisation and metrics validation in ultrasound guided axillary brachial plexus block.
  2. Szilard Szúcs MD: The role of femoral nerve block in perioperative analgesia for fracture neck of femur.

Postgraduate Research Supervision:

  1. Aurelia Fleck FCAI: Procedure characterisation and metrics validation in ultrasound guided femoral nerve block; Milestones of recovery and pain outcomes following major breast cancer surgery.
  2. Curtis McMillan MD: The role of ultrasound guided adductor canal block in analgesia following knee arthroplasty surgery.
  3. Michael O’Sullivan MB BCh BAO, FCARCSI: A pilot study of eye tracking applied to cognitive task analysis of ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blockade.


Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
