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Late Search

Have you missed out on the Campus Accommodation lottery so far? Are all the privately owned student apartments full? Can't find a house? Don't know what to do next?

Follow the steps below in the 'What's Next' guide to securing student accommodation.

Step 1 - Don't panic

Please remember that beds will still become available in the coming weeks and months.

  • Campus Accommodation will run subsequent lotteries, for those who have already applied, as students change their minds or accept offers elsewhere.
  • The majority of privately owned student apartment complexes will get cancellations in the coming weeks and months.
  • Private rentals can still be found throughout this period.
  • The First Year Accommodation Placement Service will open once the CAO offers have been issued.

Step 2 - Remain proactive

It is important to remain proactive in your search for accommodation.

As you do not know when a bed may become available, keeping in touch with the privately owned apartment complexes within your budget is always a good idea. 

You may start to see more of these types of rentals appear around the end of the academic year around April/May and over the summer period. Please note that you should always meet the person offering the rental and view the property before making any payment.

Step 3 - Be prepared

You must be prepared to secure a late place in safe accommodation. Knowing the city, the student apartment complexes and correct websites is vital.

We recommend that students visit Cork and the area surrounding the University in the lead up to securing accommodation.

  • Review the full list of Privately owned student apartment complexes. 
  • UCC StudentPad may also have listings for Digs as well as private rentals with other students.
  • If you make contact with a landlord or owner occupier, be prepared to come to Cork as soon as possible to secure the room.
  • Consider all options. Do not discount safe and secure accommodation because it is not ideal for your first year. Digs can be a great alternative for many students if you are stuck. It is only for one academic year.

Step 4 - UCC service

UCC will begin its 'First Year Accommodation Placement Service' once the CAO offers have been issued.

Once available you can access this service through an online form via the UCC home page and the Accommodation & Community Life home page, linked below. 



This service aims to:

  • Search for, and secure, student accommodation for First year students still in need of safe and affordable accommodation.
  • Offer accommodation, where possible, to students who live furthest away from UCC - only students who normally live 45km away from UCC may apply.
  • Encourage proactive searching by communicating relevant information to all students.
  • Keep searching for accommodation until all students are housed.

Please note that the First year accommodation placement service may not be able to offer accommodation to all applicants. If a student refuses an offer of accommodation, we must assume the student does not have further need for accommodation and will not receive a second offer.

Step 5 - Keep in contact

If you don't tell us, we cannot help.

Our service will remain in contact with students through this website, our Facebook page and through email. If students do not keep in contact with us, we must presume that they have secured their own accommodation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

T: +353 (0)21 490 3849


Accommodation and Community Life
