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Membership Academic Council

This is the Academic Council Membership list per categories of membership as stated in the Principal statute – Queries to

Last updated 13-05-2024

See Principal Statute here



Professor John O’Halloran


Deputy President and Registrar

Professor Stephen Byrne


Professors and Professors (Scale 2)


Professor Fred Adam

Professor Finbarr Allen

Professor Graham Allen

Professor Olufemi Amao

Professor Stefan Andersson-Engels

Professor Elke Arendt

Professor Ella Arensman

Professor Pavel Baranov

Professor Conor Barry

Professor Paul Brady

Professor Mathias Beck

Professor Deirdre Bennett

Professor Joe Bogue

Professor Geraldine Boylan

Professor Kenneth Brown

Professor Melissa Hanna-Brown

Professor John Patrick Browne

Professor Frank Buckley

Professor Louise Burke

Professor Thomas Butler

Professor Edmund Byrne

Professor Maria Cahill

Professor Paul Callanan

Professor Padraig Cantillon-Murphy

Professor Noel Caplice

Professor John Carey

Professor Michelle Carr

Professor Kevin D. Cashman

Professor Luigina Ciolfi

Professor Fiona Chambers

Professor Claire Connolly

Professor Roisin Connolly

Professor Nicola Cornally

Professor Andrew Cottey

Professor Abina Crean

Professor Louise Crowley

Professor John Cryan

Professor Sarah Culloty

Professor Aoife Daly

Professor Hannah Daly

Professor Alex Davis

Professor James Davis

Professor Conor Deasy

Professor Eugene Dempsey

Professor Alan Dobson

Professor Mary Donnelly

Professor Raymond Donnelly

Professor Brendan Dooley

Professor Justin Doran

Professor Eleanor Doyle

Professor Jonathan Drennan

Professor Lindsey Earner-Byrne

Professor Joe Eustace

Professor Liam Fanning

Professor Adrian Favell

Professor Joe Feller

Professor Nuala Finnegan

Professor Des Fitzgerald

Professor Cormac Gahan

Professor Thomas N. Garavan

Professor Jools Gilson

Professor D. Jeremy Glennon

Professor Subrata Ghosh

Professor Abhinav Goyal

Professor Richard Greene

Professor Brendan Griffin

Professor Mairead Harding

Professor Kevin Hayes

Professor Ciara Heavin

Professor Steve Hedley

Professor Josephine Hegarty

Professor Thia Hennessy

Professor Ciara Heavin

Professor John R. Higgins

Professor Colin Hill

Professor Justin Holmes

Professor Mary Horgan

Professor Paul Hurley

Professor Mark Hutchinson

Professor J.Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez

Professor Nicola Ingram

Professor Marcel Jansen

Professor Lee Jenkins

Professor Ali Khashan

Professor Patricia Kearney

Professor Alan Kelly

Professor David Kerins

Professor Joseph Kerry

Professor Kieran Keohane

Professor Mairead Kiely

Professor Ursula Kilkelly

Professor Gerard Killeen

Professor Sarah Kittel-Schneider

Professor Marietta lacucci

Professor Thomas Lawton

Professor Patricia Leahy Warren

Professor Maíre Leane

Professor Carol Linehan

Professor Laura Lundy

Professor Christopher Lynch

Professor Deirdre Madden

Professor Anita Maguire

Professor Michael Maher

Professor Jennifer Mahony

Professor Liam Marnane

Professor Ruth Massey

Professor Elena Matsa

Professor Rob McAllen

Professor Laura McAtackney

Professor Mary McCaffrey

Professor John McCarthy

Professor Justin McCarthy

Professor Mary McCarthy

Professor Tommie V. McCarthy

Professor Anthony McDonnell

Professor Mark McEntee

Professor Margaret McGrath

Professor John G. McInerney

Professor Owen McIntyre

Professor Maria McNamara

Professor Paul McSweeney

Professor John Mee

Professor Declan Millett

Professor David Molloy

Professor John Morrissey

Professor John Morrison

Professor Mark Mulcahy

Professor Nicole Müller

Professor Jerry D.G. Murphy

Professor Deirdre Murray

Professor Wim Naude

Professor Corina Naughton

Professor Caitríona Ní Dhúill

Professor Richeal Ní Riordáin

Professor Yvonne Nolan

Professor Brian O Gallachoir

Professor Padraig O Machain

Professor William O’Brien

Professor Cathal O’Connell

Professor Vincent O’Connell

Professor Rosemary O’Connor

Professor Keelin O’Donoghue

Professor Patrick T. O’Donovan

Professor Caitriona O’Driscoll

Professor Colm O'Dwyer

Professor Ken O’Halloran

Professor Gerard O’Keeffe

Professor Paula O’Leary

Professor Jorge Oliveira

Professor Conor O’Mahony

Professor Denis O’Mahony

Professor Liam O’Mahony

Professor Cian O’Mathuna

Professor Maggie O’Neill

Professor Eoin O’Reilly

Professor Phillip O’Reilly

Professor Barry O’Sullivan

Professor Finbarr O’Sullivan

Professor Niall O’Sullivan

Professor Philip O'Reilly

Professor Paul O’Toole

Professor Dimitri Papkovsky

Professor Kiri Paramore

Professor Peter J Parbrook

Professor Dirk H J Pesch

Professor Ivan J. Perry

Professor Frank Peters

Professor Mark Poustie

Professor Gregory Provan

Professor Dimitra Psychogiou

Professor John Quinn

Professor Ruth Ramsay

Professor Laura Rascaroli

Professor H. Paul Redmond

Professor Nabeel Riza

Professor Anthony Roberts

Professor Utz Roedig

Professor Emer Rogan

Professor J Griffith Rollefson

Professor Don Ross

Professor Paul Ross

Professor Andy Ruth

Professor Áine Ryall

Professor David Ryan

Professor Dave Sammon

Professor William Scanlon

Professor Martin Schellekens

Professor Patrick Sheahan

Professor Andrey Shkoporov

Professor Edward Shinnick

Professor George D. Shorten

Professor Cormac J. Sreenan

Professor Jonathan Stock

Professor Aideen Sullivan

Professor Maria de Sousa Gallagher

Professor Stavroula Leka

Professor S Armagan Tarim

Professor Suzanne Timmons

Professor Paul Townsend

Professor Douwe Van Sinderen

Professor Christian Waeber

Professor Emma Wallace

Professor Jens Walter

Professor Thomas Walther

Professor John Wenger

Professor Helen Whelton

Professor Andy Wheeler

Professor Eleanor Bantry White

Professor Astrid Wingler

Professor Sebastoam Wieczorek


Deans of Faculties (Non Professorial)

Heads of Departments/Schools /Discipline/Unit (Non Professorial)


Dr Christopher McCusker

School of Applied Psychology

Dr Humphrey Moynihan

School of Chemistry

Dr David Woods


Dr Tom Boland

Criminology and Sociology

Dr Orla Murphy

Digital Arts and Humanities


Head of School of Education

Dr Ciara Chambers

Film and Screen Media

Dr Stiofan Ó Cadhla

Folklore and Ethnology

Dr Mary O'Shaughnessy

Food Business and Development

Dr Mary Noonan

Department of French

Dr Rachel MagShamhráin
Department of German

Dr Daragh O'Connell
Department of Italian

Dr Silvia Ross

Languages, Literature and Cultures

Dr Theresa Reidy

Government and Politics

Dr Mervyn O’Driscoll

School of History

Dr Flavio Boggi

History of Art

Dr Louise Gibson

Interim Head of Department of Paediatrics & Child Health

Dr Fiona Cawkwell

School of Human Environment

Dr Kevin Murray

Head of School of Irish Learning

Dr Kevin Hayes


Dr David Clark


Dr Jeffery Weeter


Dr Noel Woods

Centre for Policy Studies

Dr Amanullah De Sondy

Study of Religions

Dr Martin Veiga

Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin America

Dr Michael Cronin


Dr Yvon Bonenfant


 6 Non Professorial Members from each College

Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences

Dr Joao Costa

Dr Samantha Dockray

Dr Sabine Kriebel 

Dr Aileen Murphy

Dr Fiachra O Suilleabhain

Dr Julia Schneider


Business and Law

Dr Jane Bourke

Dr Bridget Carroll 

Dr Frank Crowley

Dr Lawrence Dooley

Dr Declan Jordan

Dr Siobhan Lucey  


Science, Engineering and Food Science

Dr Fidelma Butler

Dr Dave Clarke

Dr Florence McCarthy

Dr Ger McGlacken

Dr Rosane Minghim

Dr Martina Scallan


Medicine and Health

Dr Nicola Cornally

Dr Collette Hand

Dr Helen Kelly

Dr Ali Khashan

Dr Brendan Noonan

Dr Tim O’Sullivan


Chief Financial & Operating Officer

Mr Rory Condon


Corporate Secretary

Ms Nora Geary


Academic Secretary

Mr Paul O'Donovan



Ms Coral Black


Heads of College (non Professorial)



Head of Student Experience

Mr Paul Moriarty


Director of Library Services

To be confirmed


Dean of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies

Professor Nuala Finnegan

Dean of Doctoral Studies 

Dr Orla Lynch


Chair of the Mitigation Committee

Dr Joan Buckley


Chair of the Examination Appeals Committee

Dr Alan Morrison


Director of Strategic Planning & Institutional Research

Dr Ronan O Dubhghaill


Director of Information Technology

Dr Ger Culley


Chairs of the Academic Council Committees and Sub Committees

Academic Development and Standards Committee (ADSC): Professor Liam Marnane

AC Learning & Teaching Committee (ACL&T): Dr Olive McCarthy

AC Graduate Studies Commtitee (ACGSC): Dr Fatima Gunning

AC Research & Innovation Committee (ACRIC): Professor Luigi Ciolfi


Director of Adult Continuing Education

Dr Seamus Ó Tuama


Director of Quality Enhancement Unit

Ms Elizabeth Noonan


Examination Appeals Officer

Mr Michael Delargey

Student Advisor and Ombudsman

Drs Daniel Blackshields and Maria Dempsey


Two representatives of the research community

Dr Mark Jessopp

Dr Andrei Temko


Students Union

Mr Colm Foley, SU President

Ms Ali O'Mahony , SU Education Officer

Ms Aoibhe O'Brien, SU Welfare Officer

Mr Matthew James Quill, Postgraduate Officer


Two Undergraduate Students per College

Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences

Ms Bláithín Sheehy

Mr Taragh O'Sullivan


Two Undergraduate Students per College

Business and Law

Mr Gearoid O'Donovan

Mr Gearoid Clarke


Two Undergraduate Students per College

Science, Engineering and Food Science

Mr Alex Angland

Ms Marionette Cavanagh


Two Undergraduate Students per College

 Medicine and Health

Ms Izabelle Dullin

Mr Kacper Bogalecki


Two Postgraduate Students per College

Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences




Two Postgraduate Students per College

College Business and Law

Ms Darshana Hippargi



Two Postgraduate Students per College

Science, Engineering and Food Science




Two Postgraduate Students per College

Medicine and Health




Members co-oped by Academic Council

Dr Niamh Connolly, President’s Office

Dr Avril Hutch, Director of the Equality Diversity & Inclusion Unit

Mr John McNulty, Director of Academic Affairs

Ms Kathryn Neville, Interim Director of Admissions & Recruitment

Dr Catherine O’Mahony, CIRTL

Dr Jean Van Sinderen-Law, Vice President External Relations & Development


Panel of under-represented staff

Dr Eleanor Bantry White, School of Applied Social Studies

Dr Jenny Butler, School of Religions

Dr Armida De La Garza, Department of Digital Humanities

Dr Cristiane Da Mata, Dental School and Hospital

Dr Eithne Hunt, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Dr Siobhan Dowling, School of Education

Dr Barbara Doyle Prestwich, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Niall Duggan, Department of Government and Politics

Dr Sarah Foley, School of Applied Psychology

Dr Fatima Gunning, Tyndall, Physics, Electrical & Electronic Engineering.

Dr Fatemeh Kavousi, School of Engineering

Dr Carol Kelleher, Department of Management and Marketing

Dr Mary Kelly, Discipline of History of Art

Dr Mutahira Lone, School of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Dr Siobhan Lucey, Dental School and Hospital

Dr Cliodhna Mackenzie, Department of Management and Marketing

Dr Rachel Magshamhrain, Department of German

Dr Karen Matvienko-Sikar, School of Public Health

Dr Sheena McHugh, School of Public Health

Dr Mary C. Murphy, School of Society, Politics and Ethics

Dr Sile Ni Mhurchu, Department of Modern Irish

Dr Linda O'Keeffe, School of Public Health

Dr Monica O'Mullane, ISS21 Research Group

Dr Maeve O'Riordan, School of History

Dr Katie Ryan, School of Pharmacy

Dr Mohamad Saab, School of Nursing & Midwifery

Dr Frances Shiely, HRB Clinical Research Facility and School of Public Health

Dr Katharina Swirak, Department of Sociology & Criminology

Dr Eleni Tsalaporta, School of Engineering

Dr Elaine Walsh, School of Medicine



Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
