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Professor (Scale 2) Promotions Board

Academic promotions are governed by Regulation.  Full details of the relevant Regulations, appointment proceedures and related policies can be found at:

Terms of reference

  1. to consider and assess applications for promotion to Professor [Scale 2] and to make recommendations thereon to the President;
  2. to carry out these tasks in accordance with the terms of the relevant Schemes, as adopted by the Academic Council and the Governing Body; and
  3. to report at the end of each round on the operation of the Scheme or at least once every four years.

Membership of the Professor (Scale 2) Promotions Board

Ex Officio: 


Chairperson and Registrar 

Professor Stephen Byrne 

2 Professors per College nominated by Academic Council


Professor Kathy Hall
Professor Jonathan Stock 


Professor Mary McCarthy
Professor Mark Poustie 


Professor Mary McCaffrey
Professor Stephen Fahy


Professor Deirdre Murray
Professor Jonathan Drennan 

Committee Secretary:
Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development (or his/her nominee) 

Mr Barry O'Brien

Administrative Support
Human Resources

Ms Rachel Long

Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
