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Academic Council

Academic Council

Academic Council

Academic Council is the primary internal authority responsible for academic affairs.  Its terms of reference and membership are laid out in the Principal Statute of the University.  Academic Council meets approximately 6 times per academic session.

Academic Council Meeting Documents

From 01 January 2019, the documents for Academic Council are hosted on QuickMinutes. New members will receive an email with Sign In instructions from the Committee Secretary inviting them to access the documents.

Archived Academic Council Meeting Documents 2007-2018 are availalbe to members via the UCC Intranet. Members may request permission to access these minutes from the Committee Secretary. 


Meeting Dates


Fridays at 14:00. Venue(s) to be confirmed

4th October 2024

15th November 2024

17th January 2025 (to be confirmed)

28th February 2025 (to be confirmed)

21st March 2025 (to be confirmed)

16thMay 2025 (to be confirmed)

6th June 2025 (to be confirmed)


Main Standing Committees

    Sub Committees of Academic Board

  •     MTU-UCC Joint Board 
  •     UCC-Turning Point Institute Joint Academic Standards Committee [JASC]

Learning and Teaching Committee

Research and Innovation Committee

Academic Development and Standards Committee

Graduate Studies Committee

Honorary Degrees Board

Mitigation Committee

University Ethics Committee


Sub Committees of Academic Council

See for full details of Sub Committees, Terms of Reference and Composition in the Committee Handbook.

Cover sheet

Academic Council Cover Sheet

When submitting an item to Academic Council for consideration please complete the following coversheet:

Academic Council Coversheet

Terms of Reference and Code of Practice

Code of Practice for Academic Council Committees

Code of Practice

Academic Council Terms of Reference

See Principal Statute Chapter C: Academic Council.

Title of Emeritus Professor

Extract Principal Statute

F.1.f. Professor Emeritus/a. The Governing Body shall have power, on the recommendation of the Academic Council, to confer the title of Professor Emeritus/a upon any Professor or Professor (Scale 2), on or after his/her retirement, in recognition of services to the University.  The University recognises the significant value and contribution of Emeritus/a Professors to the life of the University. Professors Emeriti/ae shall, for all purposes of courtesy and on ceremonial occasions, be regarded as Professors of the University. Professors Emeriti/ae may be invited by the Head of the relevant academic unit or a senior officer of the University to continue to contribute to the academic work of the University. Any such involvement shall be in line with University Policy. Professors Emeriti/ae shall not be entitled solely by virtue of holding the title of Professor Emeritus/a to be members of any body of the University or to assume any administrative or executive functions on behalf of the University.  Governing Body reserves the right to remove the title in the event that the activities or actions of the holder of the title create the risk of reputational damage to the University. The decision of the Governing Body in this regard shall be final.


Academic Council has established the which considers applications and makes recommendations to Academic Council.  Governing Body has final approval of all nominations.  The Committee meets approximately twice a year (March/October).  A completed application form should be submitted to

Current List of UCC Emeritus Professors

Emeritus Professor list


Process flowchart - award of title of Emeritus professor


Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
