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Academic Board

Academic Board

Academic Board

The senior University Standing Committee of Academic Council, established in University statute, responsible for the discharge of functions delegated to it by Council and for the formulation of strategy and policy to meet the University’s education and research objectives. The Academic Board, as the senior Standing Committee of Council, shall consider and consult on business from other Council Standing Committees and College Councils prior to bringing forward policy recommendations and proposals to Council for approval. The Board shall also bring to the attention of Council developments in the national and international higher education arena concerning academic affairs, staff and student matters and may recommend institutional responses as appropriate.  The Board shall undertake any other duties or tasks assigned to it by Council from time to time.

Academic Board Meeting Documents

From 01 January 2019, the documents for Academic Board are hosted on QuickMinutes. New members will receive an email with Sign In instructions from the Committee Secretary inviting them to access the documents.

Archived Academic Board Meeting Documents 2007-2018 are availalbe to members via the UCC Intranet. Members may request permission to access these minutes from the Committee Secretary. 

Meeting Dates


Venue: North Wing Council Room.

Wednesday 18th September 2024, 10am-12pm

Wednesday 16th October 2024, 10am-12pm

Wednesday 27th November 2024, 10am-12pm

Wednesday 29th  January 2025, 10am-11.30am

Wednesday 5th March 2025, 10am-12pm

Wednesday 2nd April 2025, 10am-12pm

Wednesday 7th May 2025, 10am-12pm



Wednesday 28th May 2025, 10am-12pm

Cover Sheets

Academic Board Cover Sheet Templates

When submitting items to Academic Board please use one of the following coversheets as appropriate:

Academic Board Sub Committees

  • MTU-UCC Joint Board 
  • UCC-Turning Point Institute Joint Academic Standards Committee (UCC-TPI JASC)



Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
