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Roles and Responsibilities of the Academic Programme Director

Version number: 1.0

Reviiosn Date: 5 April 2023

Approval Body: Academic board 5 April 2023

Review: 5 years

Policy Owner: Academic Developments Standards Committee


Working collaboratively with the Head of the relevant academic unit, the Board of Studies and programme team, the Academic Programme Director will have overall responsibility for: 

Programme Development and Review

1. Manage, develop and establish the programme via the University approval process and ensure that the published programme description and regulations are accurate

2. Ensure the programme learning outcomes are fit for purpose and that module- learning outcomes align to them

3. Establish a Board of Studies where applicable for the programme

4. Implement continuous improvements to the programme to ensure it remains relevant and attractive to students and employers

5. Disseminate recommendations arising from the annual external examiner’s report(s) to the Board of Studies and relevant School Committees (eg management, teaching committees)

6. Implement any corresponding curriculum changes as relevant

7. Lead periodic programme reviews, engaging relevant stakeholders (Board of Studies, school committees, students, external examiners, relevant administrative offices in the University etc) ensuring that curriculum remains current and attractive to students and that learning outcomes are aligned

8. Engage with accreditation bodies as relevant

Student Recruitment and Admission

9. Ensure prospectus entries are accurate

10. Engage with the College and University recruitment teams as required and ensure programme representation at recruitment fairs and events

11. Engage with promotional campaigns in collaboration with the College and University recruitment teams

12. Review applications in a timely manner in collaboration with colleagues in the Admissions Offices

13. Assess applications under alternative entry mechanisms such as the recognition of prior learning, mature student, direct entry, advanced entry etc

14. Liaise with Admissions Offices with regard to registration and start dates

15. Set orientation dates and start-up meetings for programme as appropriate

Student Support


16. Advocate for students

17. Represent and promote the interests of the programme and its student to ensure the student experience is optimised

18. Signposting queries to various student support services (Careers, Counselling, Student Health etc) as relevant


19. Management of day-to-day queries on curriculum and programme related matters

20. Ensure that local procedures that may be deployed are communicated clearly

21. Provide clear guidance on assessment and examination requirements, including pass and progression, as they relate to the programme


22. Liaise with the programme external examiner regarding assessment and examination matters

23. Ensure that programme level examination results are available for consideration by at various internal examination boards

24. Informal application of the Marks and Standards for the calculation of degree awards prior to the formal University Examination Board and ratification by Academic Board

25. Consider medical certificates and any other relevant factors in the determination of marks

26. Ensuring there is appropriate representation available for consultation days post examination marks release

27. Signposting for students who wish to appeal results or apply for mitigation

28. Assist, as relevant, in the awarding of prizes and bursaries 

Related Documents

Module Poilcy for CIM Modules

Module Coordinator roles and responsibilities document 

Contact for Further Information

Chair of Academic Standards and Developments Committe

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