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Roles and Responsibilities of Unit Graduate Studies Committees

Guidelines on the Roles and Responsibilities of Unit Graduate Studies Committees

Version number: 1

Review Date:  10 May 2023

Guidelines Owner: Academic Council Graduate Studies Committee

Approval Body: Academic Council Graduate Studies Committee

Next Review: 2026




Purpose Guidance for Unit Graduate Studies Committees involved in research student education. 


The following guidelines apply to all Units to which postgraduate research students are assigned.  

Units may choose to add additional cohorts to the remit of their Unit Graduate Studies Committee, depending on local structures, e.g., Postgraduate Taught Students, and create their own guidelines for the management of these other cohorts.


Guideline Statement


The following guidelines apply to all Units to which postgraduate research students are assigned. 

Units may choose to add additional cohorts to the remit of their Unit Graduate Studies Committee, depending on local structures, e.g., Postgraduate Taught Students, and create their own guidelines for the management of these other cohorts. 


A postgraduate research student means a student who is registered on a Doctoral or Master by Research programme.

A Unit is normally a School, Department or RICU as appropriately defined by College Rules and University Governance. 

Guiding Principles

All Units must have a Graduate Studies Committee, henceforth GSC.

The Chair of the GSC ensures that each Research Student, henceforth Student, completes annual progress reviews in accordance with the UCC Policy on Progress Reviews for Research Students.      

The GSC provides guidance on and promotes adherence to all relevant University policy. 

GSCs actively contribute to meeting the University's strategic goal of enhancing the research student experience.[1] 

Membership at minimum

The GSC typically consists of the Head of Unit (or nominee) who will act as Chair.  Plus at least two other academic or research staff, at least one current Research Student and professional support staff with responsibility for research student administration within the Unit.  

Executive Functions

On behalf of the Head of Unit the GSC is tasked with:

Monitoring and supporting the progress of the Student. 

Appointing a Progress Review Panel (PRP) for every Student and ensuring that each Student has completed, at a minimum, an annual progress review in accordance with the UCC Policy on Progress Reviews for Research Students.  

Approving Student change requests (such as Leave of Absence, change of supervisory team etc.,) if devolved by the Head of Unit.

Reviewing applications for research admissions if devolved by the Head of Unit.

Maintaining an up-to-date listing of eligible Independent Chairs for Doctoral Research Examinations.

Maintaining accurate records of all relevant procedures, GSC activities and meetings, including the outcomes of Student Research Progress Reviews.

Providing a mechanism for local identification and resolution of any problems that may emerge for staff and students involved in research education, in line with the Policy on Resolution of Difficulties as a Postgraduate Research Student.  

Ensuring that polices are disseminated and adhered to throughout the Unit.  This includes but is not limited to:

  • UCC Policy on the Supervision of Research Students
  • UCC Code of Research Conduct
  • UCC Policy on Progress Reviews for Research Students  
  • UCC Policy on Modules for Research Students
  • Submission and Examination Regulations for all UCC Research awards
  • Procedures for Investigating Allegations of Plagiarism in Research Theses
  • UCC Leave of Absence Policy for Research Students
  • UCC Policy on Re-commencement of Programme for Research Students
  • Policy on Resolution of Difficulties as a Postgraduate Research Student

(All of the above are located at Academic Policy and Document Portal | University College Cork (

In addition to promoting adherence to UCC policy, raising local awareness of the:

Ensuring that the Unit feedback is collected and collated when required, for example during the development or amendment of a University policy.

Developing and promoting supervisor training in consultation with the Vice Deans for Graduate Studies and Dean of Doctoral Studies and advocate for appropriate recognition of supervision within the workload model. 

Developing and promoting Student skills training offerings, including postgraduate training modules, in consultation with the Vice Deans for Graduate Studies and Dean of Doctoral Studies, ensuring adherence to the UCC Policy on Modules for Research Students.  


The following is a guideline for normal reporting practices:

Units which are Departments report to their respective School GSC.  Units which are Schools report to their respective College GSC.  Units which are RICUs report to their relevant School GSC and/or College GSC whichever fits with the agreed University governance structures.  Each Unit GSC provides an annual report on its activities to its respective reporting body (whether School or College).  

Frequency of meetings

Unit-level meetings should normally be set to align with College-level committee meetings. 


[1] UCC Strategic Plan 2023-28; Goal 1.3: Enhance the research student experience.    

 Approved by Academic Council Graduate Studies Committee 10 May 2023 and welcomed and noted by Academic Board 07 June 2023   

Contact for Further Information

Chair of Academic Council Graduate Studies committee




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