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Fitness to Continue in Study

Fitness to Continue in Study Overview

This Policy and Procedure is expressly intended to be supportive of individual students who may be in distress or difficulty whilst also recognising the right of the wider university community to study, work and live free of undue duress/distress caused by others. In matters relating to a student’s fitness to continue in study, UCC is guided by relevant legislation as may be amended from time to time. In this regard, the University remains particularly mindful of its obligations under the Equal Status Act (2000) as amended.

There are long established policies and procedures in place in UCC to deal with students who are not achieving academically or whose behaviour breaches the Student Rules. This Policy and Procedure is intended for circumstances not covered by the University’s existing academic Marks and Standards or the Student Rules.

This Policy and Procedure to Support and Determine a Student’s Fitness to Continue in Study is in place:

1. To identify and support students

  • whose behaviour, well-being or welfare are of concern to themselves or others,


  • whose behaviour or actions, are impacting adversely on the learning, working or living experiences of others, to such an extent as to give rise to concerns as to their fitness to continue in study


2. To provide supportive formal procedures

  • To enable students to withdraw voluntarily on grounds of fitness 


  • To determine if and how a students is to be required to withdraw on grounds of fitness

Fitness to Continue in Study Policy

Fitness to Continue in Study policy


Fitness to Continue in Study Policy Appendices

The Fitness to Continue in Study Policy Appendices contain the following:

  • Note of Concern Form
  • Level 2 Response: Multidisciplinary Case Reviews
  • Level 3 Response: Fitness to Continue in Study Panel Review
  • Temporary Suspension
  • Appeals
  • Constitution of Appeals Committee
  • Return to Study Procedures
  • Useful Resources
  • Fitness to Continue in Study Flow Chart
  • Membership of Fitness to Continue in Study Working Group

Frequently Asked Questions

Fitness to Continue in Study Policy FAQs

Academic Affairs and Governance

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