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UCC Team Finds Way To Turn Slurry Into Cash Cow For Farmers

7 Maw 2020
Tractor and slurry spreader in field

The team has found a specific plant species, duckweed, or Lemna, that can grow on thin fraction slurry — and which can be turned into nutritious, low-cost animal feed: “Duckweed or Lemna is an aquatic plant that floats on the water and grows very fast.

“There’s no other plant which grows as fast as duckweed. It can double in size in just two days — and it can grow on thin fracture slurry.”

The other important thing about duckweed is that it also has a very high protein content: “Duckweed is not just high in protein but it is the right protein.

“It is believed to be as nutritious as soybean which is widely used in the agricultural industry as feed-stuff for animals,” Professor Jansen explains.

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