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Oral Health Services Research Centre


We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers interested in the promotion of oral health and well being in Ireland and internationally. Our group represents a wide range of skills and expertise. There are three main strands to our work:‌

  • The design, co-ordination and analysis of international, national and regional epidemiological studies, oral health services research and related programmes, which includes a major fluoride research programme.
  • The design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials of oral health products according to ICH, GCP and ADA, FDA Standards.
  • Postgraduate training in epidemiology, health services research and related disciplines. We offer both Masters and PhD Programmes in addition to a taught Masters in Dental Public Health programme.

These three strands are synergistic and provide a stimulating and exciting research environment.

We offer you our website as a source of information about our work and we hope that our publications will provide you with useful information.

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Oral Health Services Research Centre

University Dental School & Hospital, Wilton, Cork T12 E8YV, Ireland.
