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Prof. Kevin P Balanda

Professor Kevin P Balanda


Prof. Kevin P Balanda PhD, Msc, BSc (Hons 1)Adjunct Professor / Associate Director of IPH / Director of INIsPHO


Kevin Balanda completed his doctorate in mathematical statistics at the University of Queensland in 1983.

He has over thirty years’ experience of applied public health research and policy development  across the academic, government and semi-government sectors in Ireland and Australia.

Currently, he is Associate Director of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and Director of Ireland and Northern Ireland’s Population Health Observatory (INIsPHO). In recognition of his contribution to public health, he was recently elected Fellow of the UK Faculty of Public Health (FFPH) by distinction.

His professional interests focus on the development and implementation of public health initiatives that address the broader determinants of health and aim to reduce health inequalities:

  • Epidemiologic research including the analysis of mortality data (health expectancies and  burden of disease) and estimating and forecasting the prevalence of chronic conditions

  • The development and evaluation of complex community-based, service delivery and policy interventions, and health outcomes modelling for health services planning and resources allocation

  • Dissemination and application of health intelligence to support evidence-informed policy and practice at the local, regional and national level.

He has published over 60 peer-reviewed research articles in national and international journals, and over 70 other reports and monographs. He has been an investigator on over 50 competitively awarded research grants and over 20 other commissioned research contracts.

School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
