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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Question Category Keywords
What costs are incurred when attending UCC? Before I Apply finance, budget
What accommodation options are available? Before I Apply accommodation, living, on-campus, off-campus, digs
How safe is the UCC campus? Before I Apply safety, Cork, police
What clubs and societies are there in UCC? Before I Apply activities, belong, sport, social
Can I study abroad as part of my UCC degree? Before I Apply abroad, Erasmus, US, Europe
What are the catering facilities on campus? Before I Apply eat, lunch, restaurant
How to I find out about QQI (formerly FETAC) entry to UCC? Before I Apply FETAC, PLC, QQI, Level 5, Level 6
I am interested in the Finance programme but I do not have a third language. What are my options? Before I Apply Matriculation, third language
Where do I apply for an Undergraduate programme? Application Process Apply, application, CAO
What is the closing date to apply? Application Process Closing date, apply, deadline, restricted, unrestricted
What are the points for 2024 entry? Application Process points, CAO, undergraduate
What is a "Single Sitting"? Application Process cao, undergraduate eu
What are "Specific Subject Requirements"? Application Process entry requirements, CAO, matriculate
Is Mathematics a requirement for UCC? Application Process CAO, entry requirements, matriculation
What is the age requirement to attend UCC? Application Process minimum age, undergraduate, EU
How are CAO places allocated to students? Application Process offer, round, CAO
What is the difference between EU/EFTA/UK and International Students? EU/EFTA/UK Applicants non-eu, eu, applicant, cao
How will my grades be assessed? EU/EFTA/UK Applicants cao, application, school-leaving
What are "Points"? EU/EFTA/UK Applicants cao, undergraduate eu
Is my school-leaving exam recognised? EU/EFTA/UK Applicants eu/efta/uk, cao, matura, high school, baccalaureate
Do I need to write a personal statement as part of my CAO application? EU/EFTA/UK Applicants eu/efta/uk, entry requirements, reference
What documents do I need to provide? EU/EFTA/UK Applicants eu, cao, post
I am an EU/EFTA/UK applicant. Where do I send my supporting documentation? EU/EFTA/UK Applicants Documentation, EU, non-Irish, Supporting
When will I know if I have received an offer of a CAO place? EU/EFTA/UK Applicants EU/EFTA/UK, rounds
I don't have the points for the course I want, what can I do? Offer Stage points, CAO, entry requirements
I have been offered a CAO place, what do I do next? Offer Stage Offer, CAO, Place, Offered, Next, Central, Application, Office, First Year,
If I get offered my first CAO choice, is there a chance I may also be offered my second CAO choice? Offer Stage CAO, offer, choice
Will I be in line to get another CAO offer? Offer Stage CAO, offer
If I don't accept my 1st preference, will I get offered my 2nd? Offer Stage CAO, offers, choice list
Can I defer my first-year CAO offer until next year? Offer Stage Defer, offer, CAO
I have not received my registration email what do I do? Registration and Orientation Registration, email, orientation
Are registration and orientation compulsory? Registration and Orientation first year, entry
How do I change the Gender on my student record? Registration and Orientation Gender, change, record, name, identity
How do I change the name on my student record? Registration and Orientation update name, record, undergraduate, postgraduate
Is there an orientation programme for first-year students? Registration and Orientation first year, entry
When is my orientation day? Registration and Orientation Orientation, registration, introduction
How do I apply for Garda Vetting? Student Garda Vetting apply, garda, vetting, police, student
Why do I need Police Clearance? Student Garda Vetting Student Garda Vetting, Police Clearance, Cert, Certificate
How often do I have to do Garda Vetting in UCC? Student Garda Vetting Student Garda Vetting, do, conduct, carry out, often, frequently
I have already been Garda Vetted, do I need it again? Student Garda Vetting Student, Garda, Vetting, Vetted, Already, previously, work
How will I know if my Garda Vetting is completed? Student Garda Vetting Student Garda Vetting, email, post, contacted, Garda, Complete, finished, done
How do I get a copy of my garda vetting? Student Garda Vetting proof of garda vetting, disclosure
How long will you keep my Garda Vetting documents on file (GDPR)? Student Garda Vetting Proof of ID, Address, how long, GDPR
Where can I find First-year undergraduate information? First Year First year, information, fresher, entrant, incoming
Where can I get a letter to say I am a registered student? First Year Letter, Proof, Registered, Attendance
Does UCC offer services for students with disabilities? First Year DARE, DS, disability support
Where can I find a timetable for my programme? First Year Timetable, course, time, table, programme
Can I change from one course to another in my first year? First Year Course, Change, Transfer, first year
Can I change my modules after I register? First Year Modules, Change, Registration, Change modules
If I apply to the CAO this year for a different course, will I lose my current place at UCC? First Year reapply to CAO, lose place, different course
After one year in UCC can I transfer to a different programme? First Year internal transfer, change of course
I am struggling with my course, who can I speak to? First Year course, drop-out, support
Where will I find the first-year experience coordinator? First Year Where, First Year Experience Coordinator
Can I transfer from UCC to another university? First Year transfer, change course, different university
How do I withdraw from my undergraduate course? First Year Withdraw, drop out, end, course, programme, undergraduate
Do I have to return my student ID when withdrawing? First Year Withdrawal, Student ID Card
What happens if I just leave my course and don't complete the Withdrawal Form? First Year Leaving, withdrawal, official, fees

Admissions Office


1st floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, T12 K8AF
